Thinking Bridges

We do consider ourselves to be a "bridging" think tank which addresses future challenges of human beings, organisations, and society with a systemic-holistic perspective. We engage regularly in inter-disciplinary research projects and are not committed to only one or a few schools of thought (which might sometimes be perceived as impertinent for the "intellectual silos" especially in academia). We humbly believe that we sometimes detect patterns of new developments before they become a mainstream narrative. We are radically independent - neither do we have to please a filter bubble nor do we have make money with our publications and speaking activities.

(Post-)Heroic  Leadership

(Sustainable) Transformation Facilitation

Citizenship Responsibility

„Könige der Athleten? Wann kommt endlich die neue CEO-Generation, die nicht nur laufen, springen ODER werfen kann?“ (Keynote, 2022)


„Joint Leadership is for CEOs and not only for moms and dads!“ (Keynote, 2017) 


“Managerial career patterns: A review of the empirical evidence” (Paper, 2012)


„Blind spots in top management: When our very own heroism prevents transformation“ (Keynote, 2011)


"Certainty – A collective fetish of managerial elites: And how business schools leverage their incestuous thinking”  (Keynote, 2009)


"Careerism and opportunism of managerial elites" (Research Project, 2008)


"The dark side of entrepreneur personalities" (Research Project, 2006)


"Executive Sparring: More than coaching" (Keynote, 2005)


"Damit das Leader-Ship nicht untergeht - Anmerkungen zur Personalauswahl in der und für die Zukunft" (Keynote, 2004)


"'Hard' and 'soft' forms of corporate consulting - Two entirely separate markets" (Keynote, 2003) 

„25 years of (culture) change facilitation: Why do companies still waste so much time on measuring instead of simply doing the obvious?“ (Keynote, 2021)


„10 years after the hype started: How to integrate VUCA into management practice?“ (Keynote, 2017)


“The power of doubt as a source of orientation during times of radical change" (Keynote, 2017)


"Why 'digital transformation' after all still is about the 'transformation' of social systems" (Keynote, 2016)


“Design thinking principles and orthodox finance capitalism: A structural mis-fit” (Keynote, 2015)


"The Hunt for Purpose – Why companies often address the entirely wrong issues” (Keynote, 2011)


African Union Commission - A transformation case of a supra-national institution“ (Keynote, 2009)


"Social responsibility beyond CSR programmes and other letters of indulgence" (Keynote, 2007)


„Corporate culture in start-ups: Getting the ball rolling" (Article, 2000)


„Dialogue pictures as a tool in change management“ (Book Chapter, 1999)

„Gut gemeint ist manchmal noch nicht mal gut! Was heißt das für Sender:innen und Empfänger:innnen politischer Kommunikation?“ (Keynote, 2022)


„Empörungsstürme – Wenn der Gestus von Haltung zum Gegenteil von Haltung verkommt“ (Keynote, 2021)


„Groupthink ist unsolidarisch! Filterblasen und ihre Selbst-Referenzialität“

(Keynote, 2020)


“Citizen Skills Matter: 20 Hacks for Democrats”

(Draft for book in publication, 2020)


"Manifesto: Citizen Skills Matter"

(Paper, 2020)


„How to question your own assumed certainties, majority narratives and how to deal with popular outrage of momentary zeitgeist?“ (Keynote, 2019)


„Who of us is ready to fight for the right of political opponents to be able to openly articulate their opinion even if we harshly disagree?“ (Keynote, 2018)


"Offener Brief an Alle im Bahnhofsviertel" (2017)


"Collaborative dialogue forums for plural democracy" (Presentation, 2017)


"Democracy under siege – corporate managers are to be blamed as well! Or: Companies would benefit if their managers had more ‘democratic’ competencies” (Keynote, 2014)


„Orchestrating a multi-stakeholder development programme at a university“ (Article, 2012)


„Politically incorrect thoughts on development aid and (post) colonialism“ (Keynote, 2007)